Tuesday, June 23, 2009

ok twenty five. ok.

well. it happened.

twenty five came. in the most interesting of ways.

chicago is a lovely town. i want to live there some day. in wicker park. i do not want to live in the cold. but i could learn to love it, maybe.

coming back from chicago was the worst experience of my life. except singing though the entire paramore riot record with emilia. i crashed my car. we flipped. multiple times.

i dont know what to say.

we should not have walked away from that. we shouldnt have.

all i know is, God is good. he is so good. i mean, i dont think its really hit me yet. but i know i have a black eye. and em has a hurt knee. we both have some scratches and bruises.

but we walked away. from an upside down car.

God is so good. once i come down from the shock, maybe ill be able to process it more.

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